
Immediate donations required: 156 Learning Centres under threat

Covid-19 has caused a wave of uncertainty and economic turmoil, leaving 156 Learning Centres unfunded and scheduled to close on 10 September 2022. Unless you can help now!

It's now or never!

These closures will have an immeasurable impact on the well-being of young girls striving for a different life.

Imagine the distress caused by having something so precious – so vital to your future – cruelly taken from you… Learning Centres empower young girls to create a better future for themselves and their families; to feel safe and supported.

You can help young girls receive the education they deserve.

You can immediately ensure that Learning Centres under threat of closure continue to provide a vital service for young girls in rural India.

StateLCs scheduled to close
Madhya Pradesh11
Uttar Pradesh3
West Bengal69

How you can help

You can make an instant donation today and keep a Learning Centre open. While $100 will educate a girl for a year, a generous donation of $2500 will fund an entire Learning Centre.

Your generosity will ensure that a Learning Centre under threat can continue to provide the gift of education.

Please donate now to save a Learning Centre today, because it will make a life-changing impact on a young girl in rural India.

Make an instant donation today

Your donation will directly impact the life of a young girl.

We guarantee that 100% of your donation goes to the provision of girls’ education services in India.