This Diwali make a difference by giving the gift of education to girls in rural India.

Celebrate the festival of lights this year by giving the gift of education to girl children in rural India.
Giving the gift of education this Diwali

Help iimpact Australia fight to keep learning centres open which are in danger of closing due to reduced funding caused by COVID. 

Funding learning centres in need

In India, learning centres are at risk of closing, potentially closing off any hope of education for girls in these communities.

Sponsor a learning centre to honour those you hold dear

Sponsor an entire learning centre for 30 girls and have the opportunity to name the learning centre to honour your loved ones. Alternatively, donate any amount of your choice below.

100% Straight Through Donation Guarantee

Did you know that 100% of your donation to iimpact Australia goes straight through to the delivery of educational services by our NGOs in India?  This is because we fund all administrative and fund raising costs separately via our members. Note this is also the case for the delivery of services in India, so that your donation goes directly to fund the education of the girl child.

Make a donation

iimpact Australia is appealing to individuals and charitable foundations to help us keep these Learning Centres open and provide education to girls like Bhuteri in rural India.

We're supported by matching gifts

Did you know iimpact Australia is registered with Good2Give, Benefity, and Paypal Giving Fund?
Find out how Workplace Giving works